
Whether or not you like to cook, you can be an important part of the church body by providing meals for those within the Grace community during times of high stress or crisis such as illness, injury, emotional trauma, or the birth of a new baby. A meal doesn’t need to be elaborate or fancy, it just needs to be delivered with a caring heart. 


Celia sends out an email when a need arises, and you respond as you are available. Grace utilizes a website called takethemameal.com that will list dietary restrictions, along with any other pertinent info regarding the situation, such as meal times and driving directions as well as provide a sign up for a specific day that you can bring the meal. Meals should be common to what you would cook at home for your own family. Using disposable foil pans and plastic containers will assure that no dishes will need to be returned.


If you have any questions or want to get involved please contact Linda Kerr (admin@findgracehere.org).