Sound Room Job Description

If you are interested at serving at Grace but you are a major introvert, then the sound room is the job for you! Currently, serving in the sound room has two main jobs filled by two different people each service. In order to serve in either position you will need be trained by someone who already knows how things work and have the opportunity to shadow them during a live service to see how they run things. The following is a brief description of each position.


Presentation Software Operator (slides person)


Allow for smooth communication to the congregation by advancing the slides at a timely pace as well as adjusting the camera to the necessary position for those worshiping outside of the auditorium.


The main role is to advance music slides in a software called Pro Presenter (an advanced version of Powerpoint) so that the correct information is displayed for everyone following along. This requires little to no tech-savviness and relies on one’s ability to pay attention well to the pace of a song. The secondary role involves operating the camera for those outside the auditorium to ensure that they are able to see whoever is worshiping/praying/speaking on the stage.

Camera Operator


Provide clear shots of what is happening on stage for those worshiping outside of the auditorium. Both for those that are watching from home and for anyone watching from elsewhere in the church building.


There are two different cameras that are mounted to the ceiling and are remote-controlled. As the camera operator, you need to use a video switcher board to control both cameras. You will have a monitor in front of you so that you can preview what both camera’s are seeing as well as what is currently being broadcast.

Soundboard Engineer


Allow the congregation to worship and listen well by avoiding unnecessary distractions caused by either creating loud feedback or forgetting to unmute a microphone.


Running the soundboard is a little bit more in-depth. At its basics, it’s is just changing the volume of all the different inputs of sounds that are coming into the board so that everyone is able to hear well and not be distracted. In reality, that means that the soundboard monitor should come into the church early and practice with the worship team so that they will be able to mix and level the board ahead of time. This will ensure that everything is wired up correctly and sounds as best as it can. Another role of this person is to make sure that the sermon is recorded and to then make physical copies of it.


If you have any questions or want to get involved please contact Pastor Scott Harrison (